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Manure Fertilizer


Rabbit Manure

Our kiddos love their rabbits. We love the benefits the rabbits can provide for our garden! (Yes, we love the rabbits too.)
They are selling their prized rabbit manure.
Rabbit manure – super great for your garden!!! If you want the extra boost on your garden this year, it can do the trick.
Rabbit manure has four times more nutrients that cow or horse manure and is twice as rich as chicken manure. Cow, horse and chicken are considered “hot” and need to be composted to use as fertilizers. But, not rabbit!! Rabbit is ready to go.
It is packed with nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, minerals and micronutrients. The elements of calcium, sulfur, magnesium, boron, zinc, copper, manganese and cobalt are all present. The manure breaks down quickly so it won’t burn the plants.
Using rabbit manure as a fertilizer increases the nutrients in your garden and aids in structure, drainage and moisture retention.
This can be used sprinkled on your soil and slightly covered. It can even be used to plant right in the hole with the prized tomato plants. You can also make a furrow next to a row of newly transplanted vegetable plants. Fill the furrow with rabbit manure and cover with an inch of soil for a super enhancement. The rabbit manure can be applied any time of the year as fertilizer, mulch or soil additive.
You can even make a compost tea out of the rabbit manure. Let me know if you’re interested in that recipe.
This was hand sorted for you to get the purest rabbit manure you can get.
Item #M101 - $4.50 a bag of approximately 2 pounds

Goat Manure

All you gardeners out there – this is a great fertilizer that can do great things for your plants!

Goat manure is dry, easy to apply and less messy than many other types. The manure doesn’t typically attract insects or burn plants the way that many other manures do. It’s virtually odorless and can be used on herbs, vegetables, fruit trees, flowers, etc. It can even help increase the water holding capacity of the soil. It’s packed with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium and lots more benefits.
Goat manure is a completely natural way of fertilizing.
Just let us know if you’re interested. This is one of the kids projects to help pay for feed for their animals.

Item #M102 - $7.50 a bag (Bag is a 50-pound recycled feed bag that is a little over half way full.)
(Not available for shipping)



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