Keep Pressing On Homestead



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Texas Honey & Beeswax


2023 West Texas Cotton Honey

We have been selling local cotton honey since 2011.

100% pure, raw, natural, unfiltered honey
May naturally crystallize
Do you know that 75% of the honey in the US is imported?!?! Get local honey - it'll be so much better for you.
Honey is good for you. It acts as an immune system booster. The more local the honey, the better it is for you. Plus, it tastes good too.
What is cotton honey?
Beehives are put in cotton fields. Bees drink the nectar from the cotton flowers and while doing so they collect pollen on their legs and body. When bees fly from plant to plant they pollinate the cotton. The nectar from the flower is what makes the honey. Different plants make different flavored honey. Cotton is one of the best.

Item#BW107 - $12 for 24 oz. jar (675 grams)


Texas Beeswax

Food-grade, all-natural, unfiltered beeswax. Sold in pieces by the pound. Beeswax is great for many things ....lotion, salves, lip balm, candles, preventing rust, etc.

Item#BW103 - $12/pound

Pure Texas Beeswax Melts

Beeswax melts made into the perfect size for your wax warmer. An all-natural product; produce negative ions to help neutralize pollutants in the air; can help eliminate dust, odors and mold in the atmosphere, easing allergy and asthma symptoms and improving breathing for anyone nearby; some say negative ions can relieve stress, boost energy and alertness levels; slight honey scent; clean non-toxic.

Item#BW101 - Smaller hexagon shaped melts - Total of 3 melts weigh approximately 1 oz. 3 for $2

Item#BW102 - Oval melts - (design may vary slightly) approximately 1-1/2 oz block $2.50

Item#BW105 - Round Disc - approximately 1 oz. - $2

Item#BW106 - Beehive shaped melt - approximately 1-1/2 oz. $2.50 



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